Process Post #10: Digital Footprint

A security camera attached to the side of a brick building

In this week’s required reading from Pod Academy, they discussed algorithms, big data, digital footprints, and surveillance.

I’ve always been wary of algorithms, and I try to be careful with my digital footprint. For example, on Instagram, I double-think before I double-tap, or take into consideration how long I repeat a Reel, or what posts I’m sharing to friends. I tend to avoid most political material on social media, just because I don’t want my feed flooded with it. In terms of my digital footprint, I limit what types of posts I interact with, and how I interact with them. I never know how this single comment will come back to haunt me in the future.  Like the interviewees in the reading, I usually keep my location off, but unlike them, I do it because I don’t feel comfortable with the idea of a bunch of my apps being able to know where I am. I’ve come across many apps that ask for location permissions, even though it’s a word puzzle. I can’t help but wonder why they need that information. I don’t know much about code or app development, but I don’t think that the location is a vital piece of information for a game app.

As a communications major, I’ve heard a lot about surveillance. I wonder if or how social media has changed how we view surveillance. Many people don’t like the idea of being constantly watched, yet as we use our phones, laptops, TVs, and wireless networks, we are giving away so much information about ourselves. We are constantly tagging ourselves and our locations. Perhaps, it’s the idea that people can “control” what information is going out. But again, this doesn’t consider the other information that comes along with that.  


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