Tag: posiel

  • Process Post #7: Is my design divine?

    Process Post #7: Is my design divine?

    Hi folks! I wanted to talk about the design principles that Mauve Page talked about last lecture, and how I’ve tried to implement them into my blog. She discussed five (5) main design principles: balance, rhythm, proportion, contrast, and unity. Balance: Throughout my website, I tried to use images to help balance out all the…

  • Mini Assignment #3: A Story Without Words

    Mini Assignment #3: A Story Without Words
  • Process Post #6: Digitization of Life

    Process Post #6: Digitization of Life

    In the required reading for his week, Erin Kissane discusses how the way that we receive content is different, as things have begun to migrate online. The article doesn’t specify whether they think that it’s a good or bad thing. I think that it could be both. Good as in that it makes it more…

  • Process Post #5: Reviewing and Editing

    Process Post #5: Reviewing and Editing

    Reviewing your own website is easy; it’s easy to be your own critic. Reviewing someone else’s website? That can be a little bit more difficult. Although you come from a more objective perspective, it’s harder to find the things that they can work on. Doing the peer review gave me the chance to look at…

  • Peer Review #1: Erika’s PUB101 Blog

    Peer Review #1: Erika’s PUB101 Blog

    Erika’s blog (happyvibes.space) is an extremely interesting corner of the internet that I would be interested in reading even if I didn’t do a peer review on it. In her blog, she talks about something that we interact with everyday, and many find it mundane: water. I really like her topic; it’s unique and intriguing.…

  • Process Post #4: Digitizing and Imitating

    Process Post #4: Digitizing and Imitating

    I thought that the readings assigned for this week were interesting, but specifically the article written by Leetaru intrigued me. In summary, the Leetaru reading discussed how the act of digitizing everything is creating a gap in our knowledge. As we make more things digitally accessible, materials from the 1920s to 1980s is getting left…

  • Guest Interview: Liz Buxbaum and Wes Bennet

    Guest Interview: Liz Buxbaum and Wes Bennet

    Hi everyone! In today’s blog, we have some very special guests joining me for an interview. Please welcome the star couple from Better than the Movies: Liz Buxbaum and Wes Bennet! We’ll start with a question for either one of you: How did you first meet? Wes: I’ll take this one. We met when we…

  • Process Post #3: Mapping It All Out

    Process Post #3: Mapping It All Out

    When I was mapping my site, I looked to my vision board as there is a clear aesthetic that I can draw inspiration from. There were two things I knew for sure: I wanted browns, and I wanted my main font to have serifs. I think I am closer to achieving it, but there’s still…

  • Process Post #2: Vision Board

    Process Post #2: Vision Board

    How do I want to be perceived online? That’s the question I asked myself as I worked through my vision board. At first, I was going purely based on how I wanted my website to feel and look like. My ideal aesthetic would be romantic academic, with the colours being based in greens, browns, creams,…

  • Process Post #1: WordPress is hard

    Process Post #1: WordPress is hard

    This week, I spent a lot of time working on my website, however I ran into one roadblock: WordPress. It’s quite difficult to navigate and has a steep learning curve, especially because I haven’t used any other website-building software/program. I’ve found the hardest part to be the technical side such as nesting under other topics…

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