Tag: process post

  • Process Post #3: Mapping It All Out

    Process Post #3: Mapping It All Out

    When I was mapping my site, I looked to my vision board as there is a clear aesthetic that I can draw inspiration from. There were two things I knew for sure: I wanted browns, and I wanted my main font to have serifs. I think I am closer to achieving it, but there’s still…

  • Process Post #2: Vision Board

    Process Post #2: Vision Board

    How do I want to be perceived online? That’s the question I asked myself as I worked through my vision board. At first, I was going purely based on how I wanted my website to feel and look like. My ideal aesthetic would be romantic academic, with the colours being based in greens, browns, creams,…

  • Process Post #1: WordPress is hard

    Process Post #1: WordPress is hard

    This week, I spent a lot of time working on my website, however I ran into one roadblock: WordPress. It’s quite difficult to navigate and has a steep learning curve, especially because I haven’t used any other website-building software/program. I’ve found the hardest part to be the technical side such as nesting under other topics…

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